22nd Annual Conference

King of Mercy
July 31 – August 4, 2019
Pikes Peak Center, 190 S. Cascade Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Conference Concerts

Tony Melendez
August 1, 2019 (Thurs) at 7:00pm @ Pikes Peak Center
To Give Hope to All The People
“I can’t explain why people have been moved to tears, as my feet slowly apply pressure to the face and neck of my guitar something happens. For as long as I could remember these toes of mine have been like fingers. God somehow has blessed me with music and the desire to persevere.“
Originally from Rivas, Nicaragua, Tony was born without arms. He also had a clubbed foot due to the drug, Thalidomide, taken by his mother. At the age of one Tony’s family immigrated to the USA so he could have corrective surgery on his left foot.
Tony grew up in a home where mom protected and cared greatly for him. His father encouraged and pushed him to do things on his own. As he had no arms, Tony had to learn to do almost everything with his feet. At the age of sixteen he taught himself how to play the guitar with his toes.
Conference Speakers
Chan H Anthony Dr.
Eucharistic Adoration H. Anthony Chan (PhD, Univ of Maryland, College Park) is currently Professor and Dean in the School of Computing and Information Science at Caritas Institute of Higher Education in Hong Kong. He had spent 15 years in research at the former...
Bernie Choiniere
Singer, Musician and Song Writer By helping to convey the love of God, and stressing a need for a personal relationship with Christ, Bernie's heartfelt songs present a call to action and a challenge to service. In the past 19 years he has told his miraculous story...
Father Bill Halbing Tribute
We pay tribute to Fr. Bill Halbing who passed away on Monday, February 21, 2022 from a heart attack. I am happy for Fr. Bill, but I sure miss him. I am sure you miss him too.Photo from our Be Not Afraid ConferenceAugust 3, 2012He loved our annual conference and...
Father Ken Geraci
Making Room for God Fr. Ken Geraci, CPM, lived the life of the prodigal son for most of his young adult life. Raised in a nominally Catholic family, who only lived the externals of the faith, Fr. Ken left the Catholic Church for many years. During that time he...
Father Bill Halbing Tribute
We pay tribute to Fr. Bill Halbing who passed away on Monday, February 21, 2022 from a heart attack. I am happy for Fr. Bill, but I sure miss him. I am sure you miss him too.Photo from our Be Not Afraid ConferenceAugust 3, 2012He loved our annual conference and...
Stephen Father Imbarrato
Fr. Stephen Imbarrato, ordained in 2005, is officially a retired priest from the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, New Mexico. Fr Stephen has the unique grace of having 4 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren and has been a pastor of 3 parishes over a 10 year period...
Father Kyle Ingels
Breakout Program MC A native of Colorado Springs, Fr Kyle Ingels serves as the Director of Campus Ministry and Director of Vocations for the Diocese of Colorado Springs. He has served as Chaplain for the Catholic Student Center at the University of Maryland and as...
Deacon Tim Kennedy
God's Mercy and Freedom in Christ Deacon Tim Kennedy was ordained for the Archdiocese of Newark, NJ on May 21, 2011 with 34 other men to the Sacred Order of Deacon. He currently serves there and as an Eastern Catholic Deacon in the Eparchy of Passaic. Previously,...
Father Andre Mahanna
Father Andre YS Mahanna is uniquely qualified to speak on the topic of religious freedom in the Middle East, Africa, Europe, and the United States. A friend of freedom, Fr. Andre has informed and advised the U.S. Administration and members of Congress on these...
Tony Melendez
To Give Hope to All The People "I can’t explain why people have been moved to tears, as my feet slowly apply pressure to the face and neck of my guitar something happens. For as long as I could remember these toes of mine have been like fingers. God somehow has...
Dr. Mark Miravalle
Marian Devotion and Doctrine Dr. Mark Miravalle earned his Sacred Theological Doctorate at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome. He holds the Saint John Paul II Chair of Mariology at Franciscan University of Steubenville, where he has been...
Kelly Nieto
Catholic Convert. Miss America runner-up. Master Story Teller. We are really sorry to inform you that Kelly Nieto will not be attending our conference this year.Kelly was planning to come, but has been advised by her pulmonologist that she cannot fly now. Kelly has...
Father Mitch Pacwa, S.J.
We are delighted to have Father Mitch Pacwa return to our conference again this year. Fr. Pacwa is Founder and President of Ignatius Productions, and is best know for his appearances on the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) where he hosts two...
Father Peter Prusakiewicz
Fr. Peter Prusakiewicz, CSMA (Congregation of St. Michael the Archangel) is a well-travelled international speaker for over twenty years and has spoken at many conferences, retreats and parish missions all over the world. Divine Mercy and the Holy Angels...
Patricia Sandoval
Abortion, Dangers, and Healing Patricia Sandoval’s story of three abortions, work behind the hidden doors of Planned Parenthood, followed by nearly three years as a homeless drug addict, is a testament to the saving love and mercy of Jesus Christ and His desire to...
Padre Martin Scott
Our Lord's Divine MercyPadre Martín Scott attended Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary in Emmittsburg, Maryland. In May 1988 he was ordained a diocesan priest for the Archdiocese of Washington D.C. For the next 15 years he was assigned to several parishes in the diocese....
Bishop Michael Sheridan
Bishop Michael Sheridan was born in St. Louis, MO on March 4, 1945. He was ordained as a diocesan priest by Cardinal John J. Carberry on May 29, 1971. On September 3, 1997 Bishop Sheridan was ordained as an auxiliary bishop of St. Louis by Archbishop Justin Rigali....
Tony Melendez
To Give Hope to All The People "I can’t explain why people have been moved to tears, as my feet slowly apply pressure to the face and neck of my guitar something happens. For as long as I could remember these toes of mine have been like fingers. God somehow has...
Matt Werner
Since 1997 Matt Werner has served as President of Queen of the Apostles Mission Association working to advance the interests of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Russia and former Soviet Union countries. This charitable non-profit group has helped many bishops,...
Father Mark Wheelan
Fr. Mark Wheelan, SOLT studied in Rome at the Angelicum. He was ordained in Corpus Christi, TX and was sent to serve the Native American Indians in North Dakota. Fr. Mark has been attending our conferences for several years to assist with the sacraments and is very...
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St. Thomas Aquinas Society is built on a foundation of prayer. Your prayer support is very valuable too. We welcome gratefully any spiritual commitment you can make for the success of St. Thomas Aquinas Society and the conference.
Have you said your Hail Mary for St. Thomas Aquinas Society today? God bless!