Winter 2016

Winter 2016

Letter From the President Dear Friends, Time to wish you a very Merry and Blessed Christmas! We hope this year has been filled with many blessings for all of you and that 2017 will bring many more blessings. Rather than a Christmas prayer card, we are including a...
October 2016

October 2016

Letter From the President Dear Friends, Have you ever had the opportunity to share some really good thoughts, but like a puzzle already put together, not remember exactly where each piece came from? Well, that’s what I am going to do now. There is so much to say...
Jubilee of Mercy Letter

Jubilee of Mercy Letter

To My Venerable BrotherArchbishop Rino FisichellaPresident of the Pontifical Councilfor the Promotion of the New Evangelization With the approach of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy I would like to focus on several points which I believe require attention to enable...
The Holy Year Indulgence

The Holy Year Indulgence

APOSTOLIC PENITENTIARY THE GIFT OF THE INDULGENCE The celebration of the Jubilee Year is not only an extraordinary occasion for benefiting from the great gift of indulgences which the Lord gives us through the Church, but it is also a fitting opportunity to recall the...
Summer 2016

Summer 2016

Letter From the President Dear Friends, Time for our August conference: Jesus King of All Nations!God is blessing us with another conference. We hope you are planning to come. Once again, the lineup is amazing. It is hard to imagine how each year is so strong, and yet...