Fr. Zachary of the Mother of God
Love Made Visible
The St. Thomas Aquinas Society is very proud to have Fr. Zachary of the Mother of God share with us his devotion to the importance of Perpetual Adoration in our lives. Fr. Zachary, a former attorney, is a Priest of the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT). He currently serves as the Director of Formation and Vocations Director for the American Region of SOLT. In 2018 he completed his service as the Rector of the Post-Novitiate House of Formation in the Asia-Pacific Region of SOLT. Formerly, Father served as the General Lay Servant of the Worldwide Community and has responsibilities for Administration and Formation for the Lay Faithful in the Immaculate Conception Project.
Fr. Zachary’s appearances on EWTN as well as his worldwide travels enables him to help teach and lead Catholics to live their Baptismal promises by responding to the universal call to holiness. Father spoke frequently at conferences and parish missions; and served regularly as a retreat master for the lay faithful, sisters, seminarians and brother Priests.
Fr. Zachary believes, as St. Pope John Paul II declared, that “the church draws her life from Christ in the Eucharist; by Him she is fed and by Him she is enlightened.” We are honored and excited to have Fr. Zachary at our conference, and grateful to him for sharing with us his passion for the infinite blessings of Perpetual Adoration.

YouTube videos on Eucharistic Marian Retreat
Fr. Zachary of the Mother of God, SOLT has graciously provided a series of conferences he presented at a Eucharistic Marian Conference held at Our Lady of Good Counsel Retreat House in Waverly, Nebraska.