Dann Aungst
Dann Aungst is a Certified Addiction Counselor, speaker, author and a recovering sex addict. Dann has authored several books including From One Addict to Another, 40 Days to Freedom, Winning the Battle for Sexual Purity, and God’s Plan for Healthy Sexuality Workshop. Dann also published the internationally distributed pamphlet 5 Keys to Freedom from sexual sin which was granted an imprimatur by Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila. Additionally, Dann does presentations to Seminarians on how to effectively address pornography in the confessional.
Dann also pioneered the first Catholic men’s sexual integrity small group program called Restoring God’s Foundation which also has an imprimatur by Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila. Dann coordinates multiple groups using the Restoring God’s Foundation program at the St. John Vianney seminary in Denver. Dann has been a guest on Catholic Radio, The Terry and Jesse Show, is a guest writer for Covenant Eyes and has spoken at numerous conferences, men’s groups and parishes. Dann also does training for priests and deacons to help them better address the topic of pornography in their parishes.
Dann’s recovery was fueled by his personal drive for change, education about himself, the addiction, and restored relationship with Jesus Christ. Dann’s restored relationship with Jesus was so powerful that he felt personally called to devote his life to telling others that the profound emptiness, worthlessness, rejection and abandonment felt by most addicts is not the truth of their identity in Christ and to help these men and women in this bondage of lies to find truth, healing and authentic love in God and their personal relationships. Dann has answered the call through the mission of Road to Purity, a non-profit organization he founded in 2015.
Dann will be speaking on the following topics:
- The Battle for Purity – A journey of sex addiction to Christ. A candid and personal testimony of Dann Aungst, President and Founder of Road to Purity.
- Objectifying Love– This talk speaks about authentic sexuality and how and why pornography has exploded in our society and how it is impacting our culture to such an extent that the effect on the family is inevitable, followed by ideas on how address the issue with family and protect them from the destruction of a pornified society.
- If sex is so good why is porn so bad? What is God’s plan for sexuality? How is Theology of the Body and the Holy Trinity part of sex? How porn hijacks the body spiritually, emotionally and biologically.
- How and when to talk to your kids about porn. When should I start? What should I say? How do I protect their innocence?
- Breaking free workshop – 90 minute workshop. Are you, a family member or someone you love battling with porn? Come learn what it really takes to break free. (FYI: filters on your electronic devices is not the answer!)
Hello all St. Thomas Aquinas Society followers!
We have a special treat for you today. Our conference was just a few weeks ago and we had so many great speakers that people were unable to attend them all. And while many were recorded and made available for purchase, some were not.
Dann Aungst from Road to Purity was one of those speakers. Well, Road to Purity video recorded all of their talks and have made them available to our members! Look below at the 4 talks Dann did and the link where you can watch each one.
Road to Purity also has a special offer that they made available to all that attended Dann’s talks and they are extending it to you here – for FREE!
The offer is for a Recovery Bundle with a $100 savings. Perfect for anyone battling with purity or for parents to share with their teens!
Special offer
(includes the printed edition
of the Restoring God’s Foundation program,
plus online access to the program and 2 prayer cards!)
$150 value, offered exclusively to
St. Thomas Aquinas Society members
for $49.95 with free shipping.