Monica Ashour, MTS, M Hum

Holding two Masters’ from the University of Dallas, one in Theological Studies and one in Humanities, Monica Ashour is an author, national speaker, content developer, leading Theology of the Body expert, and Founder of the Theology of the Body Evangelization Team, known as TOBET.

Named in 2010 by The Catholic National Register as one of the top six speakers on Saint John Paul’s seminal work known as the Theology of the Body, Monica with the help of her team just completed a Pre-school to 8th Grade Theology of the Body program entitled, The Body Matters. In a culture that relegates the body as an object that can be mutilated at will rather than as a gift from God for true love, The Body Matters is helping children and their parents to see the truth and meaning of the human body and how the Incarnation affects our lives today.

Monica presented a talk about how to teach teens TOB at the Theology of the Body International Symposium in Rome in November of 2011. She was also a participant in the International Summit on Lay Leadership with Cardinal Arinze in Rome.

Before becoming a national speaker, Monica served as a campus minister at St. Mary’s Catholic Church of Texas A&M University from 1996 to 1999. There she launched the now nationwide Nun Run, in which young women travel around the nation visiting convents. Before and after her stint at St. Mary’s, Monica enjoyed 20 years teaching theology and literature in the classroom.

Monica was the recipient of Bishop Farrell’s 2008 Pro-Life Award for Civic Action and was named to the Hall of Fame for her alma mater, Nolan Catholic High School in Ft. Worth.