Servant of God
1882 – 1970
Father Donlindo Ruotolo
Jesus gave him the words to the Surrender Novena and the Rosary of Abandonment.

Servant of God Fr. Dolindo Ruotolo (1882-1970) was a Franciscan priest who was born and lived in Naples, Italy. Ordained at the young age of 23, Fr. Dolindo dedicated every moment of his long life to prayer and penance at the service of thousands of faithful who asked for his spiritual direction and turned to him for help and comfort. He offered himself as a victim soul for mankind, and was richly blessed by God, to include prophecies, miracles and conversations with Jesus. In fact, his contemporary Franciscan, St. Pio of Pietrelcina, once said to a group of pilgrims from Naples: “Why do you come here, if you have Don Dolindo in Naples? Go to him, he’s a saint!” St. Pio also once told Fr. Dolindo that the “whole of paradise is in your soul.”
Fr. Dolindo is perhaps best known today for the Surrender Novena based on words that Jesus gave him, and the Rosary of Abandonment. As Jesus once said to him: “Why do you confuse yourselves by worrying? Leave the care of your affairs to Me and everything will be peaceful. I say to you in truth that every act of true, blind, complete surrender to Me produces the effect that you desire and resolves all difficult situations.”