Take Action! Pueblo Sanctuary City for the Unborn
Protect Women from a Dangerous Leroy Carhart Late-Term Abortion Clinic in Pueblo Colorado for Life is looking for people willing to speak during the public testimony portion of the City Council sessions on Monday, December 12th. They are also hoping to have a good...
Obituary for Bishop Emeritus Michael J. Sheridan
Bishop Emeritus Michael John Sheridan, who served as Bishop of Colorado Springs from 2003-2021, died peacefully on Sept. 27 at Penrose Hospital. A vigil will be held Thursday, Oct. 6 at 5:30 p.m. at St. Mary’s Cathedral, 22 W. Kiowa St., with Bishop James Golka...
Father Bill Halbing Tribute
Father Bill Halbing Tribute We pay tribute to Fr. Bill Halbing who passed away on Monday, February 21, 2022 from a heart attack. I am happy for Fr. Bill, but I sure miss him. I am sure you miss him too. Photo from our Be Not Afraid ConferenceAugust 3, 2012 He loved...
25th Annual Conference Update
Please be advised that the location and dates for our In His Name Conference, our 25th major conference, have not been determined to date. WE ARE TEMPORARILY SUSPENDING REGISTRATIONS FOR THE IN HIS NAME MAJOR CONFERENCE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. The Hotel Elegante...