Father Bill Halbing Tribute

February 2022

Tribute to Bill Halbing Dear Friends, With this email, we pay tribute to Fr. Bill Halbing. He passed away on Monday, February 21, 2022 from a heart attack! I am happy for Fr. Bill, but I sure miss him. I am sure you miss him too.He loved our annual conference and...
25th Annual Conference Update

25th Annual Conference Update

Please be advised that the location and dates for our In His Name Conference, our 25th major conference, have not been determined to date. WE ARE TEMPORARILY SUSPENDING REGISTRATIONS FOR THE IN HIS NAME MAJOR CONFERENCE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. The Hotel Elegante...
In the Love of the Trinity, Our Thrice Holy God

In the Love of the Trinity, Our Thrice Holy God

In the Love of the Trinity, Our Thrice Holy GodConcerts July 26th, 2021 (Thursday) at 7pm (after 6pm Mass) at 2746 Fifth Street, Castle Rock Tony Melendez Download Flyer July 29, 2021 (Thurs) at 7:30 PM at Hotel Elegante Eric Genius July 30, 2021 (Fri) at 8:00 PM at...